Wednesday, July 9, 2008



Friday, July 4, 2008

im back!pls go to this web and vote for steven..thanx alot yea...juz sign up and vote...thanx alot..back to blogging...tomoro is larian need to wake up early on Saturday..haiz...been forced to come...anywayz,exam coming 21july..omg...havent even prepare..haiz..bicara akademik coming i guess my parents gonna be vry disapointed in me...stress stress >.<..gonna blow up..haiz..seriously now ody really changed ady or she is like dat...evrytime aso i wait for her...but then when got other ppl then she dun answer me..act like as if im not der...recess aso i come up early to teman her..but now evrytime she come up so late..coz last time she come up early..but i come up late coz at canteen ma..since then i always go up early ady..coz she say vry once she got fren she juz neglected me...hope she dint read this..coz then she will say "aiya u juz sensitive la"..then when i tell her abt the rumour aso evrytime she disagree and say some ppl like dat de...find la like she ask me why i so quiet then i told her why i guess...she juz dun care..then next time i wont tell her ady...mayb coz she's different than other ppl that i know..thats y..but i duno our friendship can last long anot...coz seriously she loves attention but she always denied that..or mayb she was given attention since last tak biasa when sudenly not attention given to her...i told her alot of things she aso deny..haiz...moody now...i add the happy-o-meter thingy ady cute..anywayz,i will juz forget abt it..wat done is need to prepare for exam...until i update again...xoxo..~~Your believe is your greatest motivator never let it die~~

Ps:pls vote for him evryday if can...i will be vry thankful!^^